SalesBread – LinkedIn Lead Generation Service Strategy

By: Jack Reamer |
 January 25, 2023 |

If you’re searching the internet trying to find a solution to low sales leads, it might mean that your strategy isn’t 100% solid and you’re looking for a strategy that works.

Or perhaps you’re looking for an outbound lead generation company that will get you instant qualified leads

Maybe social media and SEO marketing aren’t bringing in leads as fast as you would like. 

Or you could just be $%#! off by other lead gen companies that are bringing you all the wrong kinds of leads.

If any of the above resonates with you, then you’ve come to the right place.

Our Linkedin lead generation service will bring you 1 lead per day of your ideal buyer. 

Best of all, this kind of outbound lead generation works as quickly as 2 days.

Translation: Most marketers and founders see their first lead within 24 hours after launching the campaign. 

When it comes to LinkedIn lead generation, Salesbread has the know-how.

And in the next few paragraphs, you’ll learn how we generate 1 lead per day with our proven b2b lead generation strategy that uses tons of personalization to get results. 

(Interested in a free 15 minute strategy session? Let’s talk.)

There is no secret to generating leads…

And if a lead gen agency refuses to let you in their strategy… R-U-N…


Because there is no secret when it comes to generating qualified sales leads. 

LinkedIn is still more effective than any other social media platform when it comes to generating leads.

This is how we guarantee qualified sales leads in three easy steps:

Step 1: Find the right prospects through ultra-refined targeting

The number one most important step is finding the right prospects. 

After all, your sales navigator subscription is worthless if you cannot start conversations with people who:

  1. Need what you sell
  2. Can afford it
  3. Can make the purchasing decision

Here’s our prospecting process:

We start by first analyzing your current customers and what your ideal target market would be.

This way, we can use data from your CRM to learn exactly who is buying from you and this will give us the data we need to go after the RIGHT prospects. 

We will begin by studying the industry you are targeting

Here are things we look out for: 

  • The size of the industry
  • Whether the companies buying from you have been funded
  • The job title of the decision maker
  • Services offered 
  • The age of the business. 

(Typically, any solid marketing team can provide this information but not every lead gen agency takes list building to the next level. We analyze buyer intent data and build a look-alike list for you.)

But don’t worry. 

Our LinkedIn lead generation agency is used to working directly with founders and startups that do not have access to an in-house marketing team

We’ll help you uncover this data during our initial kick-off strategy calls.

It is also vital to view hiring trends and which groups the founders belong to on their Linkedin profile to find the prospects that are most likely to convert. 

If it’s relevant, our sales team will also take note of their advertising history and their department size to further optimize our prospecting lists.

For example, if you are a podcast creation service for lawyers, Salesbread will find you:

Lawyers, who have been featured on a podcast before BUT who do not have their own show yet.


This would then be a list of lawyers who like and think podcasting is an awesome marketing strategy.

We will do the list-building for you, to make sure that we reach quality leads

Here is a case study to show how we achieved this:

Clark Lagemann, the co-founder of MedPro Wellness, said that we had: “Generated over 100 new leads for his company with a lead generation campaign within two months”. 

Not only were these sales qualified leads, but the conversion rates were strong. 

Step 2: Send personalized connection requests

Once we have found the perfect target audience, we will connect with them through personalized invites. 

You can use some automation for sending out invites, but be careful to monitor your acceptance rates to ensure that your LinkedIn account stays safe.

(Sending too many connection requests could end your account in Linkedin purgatory.

So aim for 40+% acceptance rates.

Note: We only send invites to people in your 2nd-degree network. 


LinkedIn has found that people that you share a connection with are 4x more likely to accept a meeting invite than prospects in your 3rd-degree network.

Breaking this down: 

We prospect a list of carefully selected professionals that need what you have to sell, based on data.

Then we further narrow that list down to people in your 2nd network.

And that’s the group we begin reaching out to with personalized connection requests

But won’t that drastically limit who you reach out to?


Here’s why:
Every time you add a new connection in the industry that you want to target, your 2nd-degree network expands exponentially. 

This keeps adding fresh prospects that we can invite and engage with every week.

Plus, you’ll see a much higher invite acceptance rate because of this strategy.

Step 3: Secure a meeting.

Once we have made contact with your new leads, we will then secure a meeting with them. 

We do this through ultra-personalized messaging

Our sales team shows an interest in the potential customers by using this method, CCQ… 

Our team will also include enough background so the prospect knows why it’s in their best interest to meet or set an appointment. 

This is how we personalize our messages for each prospect. 

Our personalization team will do a simple Google search on their name and company. 

If you add the word “interview” to the Google search, you can find out if they’ve done any interviews that can be mentioned in the personalization snippet. 

For example, suppose you find a great podcast, article, or interview that the potential client did. In that case, you could send them a personalized message about how much you enjoyed their podcast or article. 

Below is an example of what we would say:

Hey, great interview with Irish business builders. Love hearing your thoughts on what makes online marketing work.”

Or we could also say something like this:

“Just listened to your interview with an Irish business builder and was impressed with how Wayflyer was born.”

Another treasure trove of information is on a person’s Linkedin profile. 

They might share their achievements, their hobbies, or you could even explore their activities on their Linkedin account.

This will give a clear idea of the person you are targeting and if they will be a great fit.

It’s also important to remember not to talk about yourself or your company. 

Make everything about them, your potential customer. 

This always guarantees a qualified lead


We do not use Inmail, but rather Linkedin messaging. We have found that Inmail does not work. 

Not many people like Inmail and this could be because you need to pay for the service, which is roughly $29.99 per month so anyone on the receiving end of an InMail knows this person is far outside of their network that the only way they could reach them is by paying for a message.

People also know that a total outsider needs to use Inmail for outreach.

There are no referrals, which could be looked at in a negative light. 

Inmail is also used only to reach a few leads, and if you go over the amount that you paid for, you will have to pay a premium. 

If you would like to reach more people, Inmail might quickly lose its shine.

Back to the article…
Our personalization is not machine-based or generated from basic templates.

It’s carefully researched and written by expert salespeople that know how to start a conversation on LinkedIn with anyone. 

Our sales team which consists of two full-time, qualified SDRs will ask if they can set up a call or even an appointment call via Calendly. 

All you need to do is sit back, relax and wait to close deals. 

Not quite what you’d expect from a content marketing campaign that can take months to generate its first lead huh?

Conversion Rates Examples from Salesbread

Here is a simple breakdown example of how our outreach metrics work at each step…
What we do everyday for each client:

Sent Connection Requests

Connection Requests Accepted

Follow Up Messages Sent

Qualified Sales Leads Gererated Per Day


If you send 40 personalized connection requests to the right people every day, you’ll get about 10 new connections per day.

And if you send those 10 new connections VERY personalized, thoughtful messages that ASK FOR A CALL, you will get about a lead every day… 


Based on our conversion rates, it’s simple math:


Connection Request Acceptance Rate


New Connection Response Rate


Positive Reply Rate

This means, if you send 35 invites per day and see those kinds of engagement rates, you can expect to generate 1 lead per day.

No sponsored content or worrying about other social media platforms is necessary.

This is a proven strategy that we know works because we’ve been focused on the optimization of this approach since 2014. 


Try this process out yourself (don’t forget the personalization!) or ask for case studies

We have many happy b2b companies that prove this works. 

As you can see, it’s not just about sending messages to many different people in a specific industry, but rather a lot of research and planning goes into finding qualified leads

And that’s how we do it…

As you can see, there is no secret. 

You just need to use the channel Linkedin as it was intended. 

This is why people are on Linkedin

They want to learn and connect with people that can help them do better work.

It’s a social network for work.

People aren’t on this channel to get pitched to. 

Therefore by readapting our LinkedIn marketing strategy, we were able to find a recipe that works. 

Lets recap:

1. We find the right prospects via in-depth research

2. Connect with your new prospects using personalized connection requests.

3. Secure a meeting with messaging and follow-up messages that stand out with real personalization that shows you’re not an automated robot that should be ignored…

And there you have it.

Voila, new business.

Get in touch with us today if you would like to see how our done-for-you lead generation service works.

You can expect 1 QUALIFIED SALES lead per day that will help you and your sales team win new deals. 

Jack Reamer Lead Generation Specialist

Jack Reamer

CEO of

Jack Reamer is the CEO of SalesBread. Salesbread helps B2B companies get 1 qualified sales lead per day, by using ultra-personalized outreach messages on LinkedIn. Jack is also the co-host of the Cold Outreach Podcast. Read his articles on,,, and SalesBread.