Thank You

Thanks for reaching out, we’re excited to help you crush your quota.

In the mean time, here are some  customer testimonials for you to check out.

(Also, listen to our Cold Outreach Podcast, which has a ton of free tips on all things lead gen.  And read more about our service here.)

I invited Jack to speak at our Subversion Summit. I really like his substantive approach to cold outreach and I continue to refer people to him.

Perry Marshall

Author of 80/20 Sales & Marketing

Jack is an excellent sales expert. He knows his stuff, and he will give straight answers on how you can accomplish your outbound goals.

He takes the time to understand your business and your market, and his experience will let him quickly identify your ideal clients and how to approach them.

I highly recommend Jack for anyone who wants to boost or establish a solid, modern sales approach to B2B sales.

Aman Mender

Fullstack developer | Tech entrepreneur, TechSavy

Rocco D'Amico

Guaranteed compliance for IT asset disposal. ZERO Data Breaches. NO environmental events in 20 years, Brass Valley

Jack is a true expert when it comes to outbound lead generation – in fact, I’d say he’s the foremost authority in the channel.

While many marketers have fallen under the temptation to spam their prospects recklessly, Jack remains steadfast in the authenticity and trustworthiness of his approach.

I had some gaps in my own approach, so I consulted with Jack to get clarity on how I can adopt a more authentic means of prospecting and acquiring new customers. I provided Jack with a significant amount of material prior to our call, and Jack was faithful in reading all of it.

He came thoroughly prepared to our call – which helped me know that I was going to get a lot of value out of our time together.

He was also very focused on ensuring that the main outcomes I had desired going into our call were the topic of focus throughout.

I left with a crystal clear understanding of exactly what I was hoping to learn, and all of my high priority questions answered.

I am confident that things I learned during our time together are going to have a significant impact on my approach moving forward.

I’d highly recommend Jack to anyone looking to get a better understanding of how to prospect in modern times, using modern tools. Your prospects will thank you for making an honest connection, rather than treating them as another number.

Nick Giovacchini

Founder, Anonymously

Jack and SalesBread did exactly what they said they would do. High quality leads showed up every day in our sales workflow. I definitely recommend them for anyone that has a target market inside LinkedIn.

Rob Fletcher

Marketing Manager, Innolitics