This Sales Prospecting Process Brings Us 1 Lead Every Day

By: Jack Reamer |
 August 24, 2022 |

How do you find every company that has a warehouse? Or companies that have a hundred thousand dollar social media budget? 

When it comes to outreach, you need to be obsessive about list building, because if you’re reaching out to the wrong target market, your new leads, sales, and conversions are going to be a disaster.  

We are talking about a Sherlock Holmes approach to list building.

At Salesbread, we know how to build even the most complex types of prospect lists, that bring our clients new leads every day. 

This article will share some of our best-kept b2b prospecting secrets, which give us a guaranteed 1 new lead (booked meeting) per day. 

(And if you’re not prospecting obsessive, but want more high quality b2b sales leads, hop on a free 15-minute consultation call with Salesbread today. Or read this article, to see our exact sales prospecting technique, testimonials, and stats.)

Let’s start off with an easy list-building example…


Let’s say that you would like to build a list of all companies that have warehouses. Granted, this will only be interesting for you if you’re selling software to companies with warehouses but bare with us.

This example will help you understand the basics of list building, and how we would approach the task. 

But it will also show you other ways of creating lists of people who need what you’re selling when you can’t just look stuff up by using prospecting tools such as Zoominfo.

Our point is… You can actually find any kind of information (that you might not think is available) if you just know where and how to look. 

Back to the warehouse example…

It’s not easy to come by a database of companies that have warehouses, or a certain number of trucks.

So how else would you be able to find what you’re looking for? 

This is the first way you could do it.

Have a look at Linkedin Sales Navigator and filter your search via “job titles”, such as:

  • Warehouse managers
  • Warehouses operations
  • Warehouse workers
  • Warehouses loaders

Look for any job title that has the word warehouse in it. And that’s how simple it is to build a list by using Linkedin Sales Navigator. 

(Below are screenshots of how you can use Linkedin filters to find the right people.)

Linkedin, allows you to pull back the veil and see things that not every company is showing. 

Here is the second way to find companies that have warehouses:

Go to and search for job postings.

Perhaps look for companies that are searching for a warehouse manager or “we need someone, who is capable of carrying 20-50 pound boxes.”

Go to Indeed and just use “warehouse” as a keyword. Hundred of results will come up.

Companies who post on job sites are going to tell you way more than somebody might share on Linkedin and it’s very hard to get a false positive when using indeed to build a list. 

(As opposed to looking through Google maps for warehouses, for example. This isn’t only time-consuming, but there might be a few false positives.)

Next, let’s transition to a medium difficulty list-building prospecting method:


Let’s say you need to find which companies have a hundred thousand dollar social media budget. 

This can be slightly more challenging than finding warehouses. Perhaps in the past, you could have checked a company’s Instagram page or looked for hashtags, like #ad. 

You might even have looked for companies that had high production videos. 

But this doesn’t give you the exact budget of the company. You might know that they spend money on marketing, but how much are they spending?

(In the past, this has been always a gray area, but now it’s not.)

Here’s what you do…

Have a look at companies that are paying a full-time social media manager.

You can narrow this down by geography, by saying they need to live in the top 10 most expensive cities, such as Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

By doing this, you know that the company will have a large budget for marketing. 

You can even get more granular. 

The same principle could even apply to companies that have an SEO expert on their team.

If it’s their full-time gig, they are investing a lot of money into search optimization. 

(These are just some random examples, but there is so much overlap when it comes to building prospect lists, whether it’s for cold email, cold calling, and Linkedin outreach.

You can use these principles in your lead generation to find qualified leads. It’s about thinking outside the box and not just relying on the same old data providers. )


Think about how valuable it would be if you could hire one person on your sales team full time who just combs through “job ads” for example, so that you could have a list of 1000 companies who have warehouses, or who have a large social media budget, or even who use a specific kind of tech.  

If your salesperson could dedicate their time to finding this kind of information, you could build a pretty granular list of companies that you would like to sell to.

Let’s take the list-building process even further – A more complicated target audience

Here’s an even more complex scenario. 

What if you were looking for new business with companies that have a lot of paperwork?

Like they still use physical filing systems and don’t have a software program that keeps track of everything. 

(Perhaps you are selling software that helps these companies streamline their filing by using your program. Meaning that you have an ideal solution to their pain points of having an outdated filing system.)

How would you find these businesses?

Would you see which companies still use fax machines? This might indicate that they have paperwork.

But…. Think about it, there are job titles (once again) that are associated with paperwork. 

Go to and search for “filing paperwork”, you’re going to see lots of job titles that come up. 

You could then contact these companies, and share how your filing software could benefit your prospect’s needs

The point is, you can find any prospect. 

You just have to look. 

As we mentioned earlier being a prospector is similar to being a detective.

It’s not just about random facts and looking at the surface, but rather looking at your clients on a deeper level and really analyzing who they are and where to find them.

In our podcast that this article is based on, we even chat about how to find potential buyers who love Bengal cats; Or how to find VIP clients who sell very specific courses (that aren’t broadly marketed), that could give you referrals.

But what if you don’t have the time as a busy founder to build these super granular lists?

This is a common reality. As a business owner, you don’t have the time, or maybe don’t even enjoy prospecting. So what should you do?

New business is important for the growth of your company, but perhaps you hate prospecting efforts, and that’s okay because it isn’t for everyone. 

You could outsource the work, and hire a company like Salesbread that specializes in b2b prospecting methods and outreach.

Option 1:

Go to Upwork, find someone smart, (perhaps a sales rep) who is willing to work 30 hours a week, and tell them exactly what you’re looking for, and it takes them an hour to find what you need. Hopefully, they do a good job and if they do, you could pay them a bit more. 

Option 2:

If you don’t want to build the list yourself, you could record your b2b prospecting sales strategies. Do this 10 times, as an example. 


Because the next step will be to hire a person whose rates are fair and share your recordings with them. 

You could then give this strategy to the person and explain exactly how your strategy works and explain to them what they should do if they hit a brick wall. 

They can copy your exact method and add the data into a spreadsheet. 

Don’t know who exactly to target? Here’s what to do.

Most businesses have a general idea of what their ideal customer profile looks like. Or a general guideline to give lead generation agencies of who to target.

The problem is that often these guidelines are too broad. 

So how do you know exactly who to go after? 

Have a look at who has been purchasing your product or service over the past 6 months. 

This kind of data can give you the information you need to figure out who the right buyer persona is for your business.

Analyzing exactly who is currently buying from you, will help you build the right list of potential customers

Ask yourself, who were your last 3 happy customers?

Your million-dollar job is to figure out what the common thread is between these customers. And if you come up with an insight like: 

“Oh that’s easy, they all have at least 30 trucks on the road.”  


“They all have major accounts with Home Depot.” 


“They all have 5 office managers and it’s the decision-makers who are purchasing the product.”


“They use the same CRM tools.”

If you can find these common patterns, then the rest is easy. 

Here are some things to look out for when looking for patterns.

  • Do they all have the same company size?
  • Are they located in a specific area, such as along the east coast?
  • Do they use the same automation tool?
  • Do they use inbound marketers?
  • Do they have a customer relationship department?

This video shares how we look for patterns between buyers before we even begin our marketing campaigns:

Read this article for more prospecting tips on how to find patterns between your current buying customers, and which sales prospecting tools to use to make your life easier. 

Side Note:

It usually takes us a week to build an ultra-refined list of prospects. 

Once we have this list, we then feed it through Linkedin Sales Navigator and filter it by our client’s second-degree network. 

This refines our list even further. We also filter the list through recently posted. 

The reason? 

This ensures that we only reach out to prospects who are active on Linkedin. If a prospect is not active on Linkedin, we will add them to a sales email or SMS campaign. 

The messages that we send to prospects do not have a sleazy sales pitch or any sales pitch for that matter.

Instead, we just start conversations. This allows us to get a foot in the door to ask for a meeting. 

We follow up every 3 days in real-time if a prospect hasn’t replied. 

Does this work? 

Our stats for last year proves that it does.

We managed to generate close to 5000 leads for our clients which resulted in many new sales for them.


Linkedin Connection Acceptance Rate


Positive Reply Rate

Lead Per Day (Booked Meeting)

If you need new prospects

Hop on a free 15-minute call with Salesbread. B2B list building and Linkedin outreach are our specialties. 

We bring our clients 1 new lead every day. 

And whether you’re looking for businesses that use specific social media channels in the Antarctic or sales managers who love Bengal cats, we will find the right prospects for you. 

The best part?

We offer a money-back guarantee if you don’t get one 1 new lead a day, for pricing less than that of hiring a full time sales rep

10 + 15 =