How this ABM Agency Generates 1 Lead Per Day

By: Jack Reamer |
 August 18, 2021 |

Imagine account-based marketing programs that could get you 1 qualified lead per day.

This amounts to 5 qualified leads a week (excluding weekends), which in turn means 20 qualified leads a month. 

And when we say qualified leads, we mean prospects who actually book meetings, wanting to know more about your product/service. 

What does this mean for you?

It means that all you have to do is close the deal. 

Curious about our account-based marketing strategy

Well, guess what? It’s no secret. 

Here is how we generate 1 lead per day for our clients as B2B marketers

1. Build a list of target accounts

Before we begin our ABM campaigns, we always build a list of target accounts

(And if you are looking to partner up with a lead gen company, the ABM agency of your choice should do this, or at least ask you if you have an ideal list of targeted accounts. If they don’t, be weary.)

What does this mean? 

Well, it means finding buyers who would be an ideal fit for your product or service. During the onboarding process with our clients, we always ask them who has purchased from them within the past 6 months. 


Because it’s important to find patterns when it comes to your prospects. By finding common attributes, it helps us know who to target and who your ideal customer is.  

Here are some questions that we ask in order to find patterns:

  • What similarities do these customers have?
  • What is your ideal customer profile?
  • What kind of buyers are these? 
  • Are they all located in a similar area? 
  • Are they all in a specific industry?
  • What is the size of their business?
  • Do they also use a similar type of tech or CRM tool?

Once you have found these patterns, it’s much easier to build a list. We suggest narrowing the list down to two segments. It’s also important to have at least 500 accounts to avoid running out of prospects too quickly. 

If you are wondering where we find prospects, there are a few tools that you can use. The trick is to think outside the box when it comes to outreach

For example, if you offer SEO services for websites, you could look on Google and see which companies are ranking really badly. Maybe if their site is on the 15th page on Google, you could add them to your list. 

But first, make sure that they actually have an advertising budget. Maybe check if they have blogs or if they are advertising anywhere else. If they are, you know that they are willing to spend some money on advertising. 

Here are some other channels where you could look for prospects. 

 (If you would like a more in-depth read on list building, read our article: “ B2B list building – 8 Tips for Building a List of Hot Leads.”) 

Where to find attributes while prospecting


Where to find “events” while prospecting

As you can see, we don’t just use one channel to find prospects. (Using web scraping tools is also an excellent way to extract data for marketing campaigns.) 

By looking in different places, the chances of finding the right prospects will be higher. 

2. We then add the list of target accounts to Linkedin Sales Navigator & Filter by second degree.

Once you have a list of B2B companies or prospects you would like to target, you can add them to Linkedin Sales Navigator.

You would then need to look at each company profile and see who the right person is to contact. 

You might need to contact the decision-maker directly, or if you are only looking for referrals, there might be someone else to whom you can speak. 

It’s important to also filter by your second-degree network or by recently posted. 

Why is this important? There are 2 reasons: 

Reason 1: 

You already share a common connection with the prospect, meaning that they are already in your second-degree network. 

This means that they have already accepted people like you in the past, which in turn means that they will most likely accept your connection invite request because they are accepting people relevant to them. 

But, you might be concerned that you will have too few companies or people to contact. 

Remember that it is better to target fewer people who are an ideal fit for your campaign than hundreds of people who aren’t. 

Reason 2:

You can also connect with those outside your second-degree network, but before you do, make sure that they have posted something on Linkedin within the past 30 days. 

The reason for this is that if they aren’t active on Linkedin, they might not even see your connection request message.  How do you check if a person outside of your second-degree network has been active on Linkedin? 

You can go to the “Spotlight” section and click “Posted on Linkedin within the past 30 days.” 

3: Write personalized messages

The next step in our ABM strategy is to write super personalized connection request messages. 

PRO TIP: Do not send the same connection request message to all of your prospects. This will come across as impersonal and seem like a marketing automation tool.

Have you ever received a message, and just know that the same message has been sent out to hundreds of people? If you have, what did you do with the message?

I’m sure you either hit delete or flagged it as spam.

Personalized messages REALLY work. There are countless metrics that show it does.

Have a look at some stats from Hubspot about personalization: 

But doesn’t personalization take time?

YES! It does. Writing personalized messages for each and every prospect does take time. The main reason is the amount of research that goes into each prospect. 

Side note:

This is also one of the main reasons why B2B companies hire SalesBread. Some companies just don’t have the time to add personalization to their messaging campaigns. We have a full-time research and personalization expert who researches prospects and writes expert copy that will catch your prospect’s attention. 

This leads them down the sales funnel and, in most cases, these prospects book meetings. 

Please see a case study below:



Qualified Leads


Connection Acceptance Rate


Lead Rate

Back to the article:

When you write your custom intro, include something personal that will catch the prospect’s attention. Here are some examples:

Example 1:
“Hey, John. I loved your podcast on XYZ. I found the tips on “y” very helpful. Let’s connect? Michaela”


Example 2:
“ John. Saw (Quickmails auto-answer). Let’s connect? Happy to ask Jack Reamer for an intro if it helps. Michaela”

When you research your prospect, mention something about them that you enjoyed. Maybe they wrote a book or posted an interesting article on Linkedin, or perhaps they support a specific charity that you support too.

This is one of the major reasons our sales team has such great success and why we can generate 1 lead per day.

4. Send out your messages and follow-up 3 times.

The next step in our lead generation ABM program is to send out all these personalized messages via Linkedin.

Most of the time, people do accept the connection request invites. 

For example, you might get a 30% connection request acceptance rate, and if you do, be sure to follow up 3 days later with another message.

If they don’t reply to you or accept your connection request, you could then find their email addresses and send them a direct mail

How do you find their email addresses? 

Sometimes it’s listed on Linkedin, or if it’s not listed, you could use:

Once you have their email addresses, add them to an email marketing campaign and follow the same recipe as above with regards to personalization. (Remember to keep it short for emails.)

If you have their email address instead, you can do the same – Follow-up 3 times and ask for a meeting. 

Here are some ways in which you can do so: 

  • Are you free for a 15-minute call on Thursday at 10 AM?
  • Can you or someone on your team jump on a quick 14-minute call this week to explore?
  • “When can we schedule a 30-minute demo?”
  • Are you available for a 20-minute chat on [MONTH] [DAY] at [HOUR] [TIMEZONE]?
  • How about a quick 30 min call next {{=day}} at 4 pm [TIMEZONE] to discuss more?
  • What will it take to get 25 minutes on your calendar next week?
  • Can I steal you away for a 15-minute phone call tomorrow at 5 pm [TIMEZONE]?
  • Let’s catch up for 15 mins. Just select any date and time on my calendar link.
  • Please choose a date and time of your choice using this link.   

NOTE: We never mention the sales pitch during our messaging campaigns. We encourage our clients to do so once the meeting or call has been booked. 

We mention what we are doing and offer just for context. 

 While B2B marketing, you never want to come across as the sleazy salesperson. Remember the 90/10 rule. Talk about the prospect 90% of the time and only 10% about your product or service. 

Guess what?

This strategy works. We guarantee if you follow this formula exactly, you will get a minimum of 12% in replies. 

Need an account-based marketing agency that can guarantee leads?

If you are looking for ABM marketing companies that bring in leads daily, be sure to call us. 

1 QUALIFIED lead a day can make a huge difference to your sales cycle

Our full service includes: 

Done-for-you lead generation and 1-on-1 Consulting. 

Instead of hundreds of leads that aren’t interested in your product, instead choose a targeted, personalized demand generation approach that can get you those sales conversations. 

Yes, the “secret” to generating leads in 2021 is Quality Over Quantity.

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