The #1 LinkedIn Outreach Agency – Salesbread

By: Jack Reamer |
 November 27, 2023 |

In the last 10 years, Salesbread has specialized in using cold outreach to generate B2B leads and booked calls for clients.

Our LinkedIn outreach agency focuses on using LinkedIn as our main channel to drive B2B leads because over the years we have seen that this yields the best results for our clients. 

Our B2B LinkedIn outreach and cold email lead generation agency will bring our clients 1 qualified lead per day. 

Within the past 24 months we have generated close to 7000 qualified sales leads for our clients. 

How do we do this?

We build ultra-in-depth prospecting lists based on your current buyer’s data. In fact, we are actually pretty obsessive about list building. 

We would rather target 100 totally qualified prospects who we know will:

A.) Need what you’re selling

B.) Have the budget

C.) Have the buying power

…. Than reach out to thousands of prospects who might be hit and miss. When prospecting lists are super refined it leads to higher conversions and more sales. 

Our in-depth list-building process is what sets Salesbread apart from many other LinkedIn lead-generation agencies out there. 

Next, once we have triple-checked your list of prospects, and made sure it’s perfect;  we will have 2 of our expert personalisation copywriters, research each and every prospect on this list.


Because when we research each prospect, it allows us to write very specific outreach messages just for that individual. 

These kinds of super personalized LinkedIn messages cut through the noise of every other salesperson on the platform and actually make prospects, stop and engage. 


What You’ll Get From Our LinkedIn Lead Generation Agency

A 1-Hour Kick-Off Call To Start Building An Ultra-Refined List Of Qualified Prospects

One of the reason why our LinkedIn lead generation service is so successful, is because we obsess about list building. We start off with a 1-hour strategy call and ask you to fill out a detailed marketing survey. 

We’ll ask you:

  • Who are your current BUYING customers?

  • What’s your elevator pitch? What sets your company apart from all your competitors?

Oftentimes, clients leave this session with a greater understanding of who their ideal clients are. 

How so? 

Well at Salesbread we actually analyze data from your current buying costumes over the last 6 months.

By using this data, we are able to find patterns between all your buying customers. 

This allows us to have an incredibly refined target list before we even begin with our outreach campaigns. 

We will also ask:

What do all your current buyers have in common?

Do they all have:

  • 1000+ Instagram followers.

  • Have they appeared on podcasts?

  • Are your buyers mainly startups?

  • Have they recently been funded?

  • Do they use a certain CRM tool?

  • Have your accounts raised over $20, 000 in funding over the past few months?

  • Do they use SEO or social media marketing?

  • Which industries are they in? Saas? Health and wellness? Marketing agencies?

We actually analyze this data by using 34 different filters to create a look-a-like list of prospects. 

The video below is an example of how we would build a prospecting list of your ideal customers

(Side note: The founder of Salesbread, Jack Reamer, builds these prospecting lists obsessively. In fact, it takes him a week to perfect your list. Once it’s 99% accurate, we will then begin LinkedIn prospecting and cold outreach.)

Next, we will discuss your value propositions

What sets your company apart from every other competitor? What do you have to offer that can solve your ideal customer‘s pain points? 

At Salesbread, we ask clients to imagine that they are addressing a room full of their top 100 potential customers. What would you say to get these total strangers interested in what you’re selling?

This is where we meticulously take notes of your best-selling points. 

We will ask you:

  • What are the benefits of your product/service benefits?

  • Do you have any testimonials, social proof, stats or case studies to show your potential clients?

  • Have you been featured in prominent publications?

  • What can we say to get a total stranger to agree to a booked sales call with your company? These invaluable insights are exchanged during this call.

All of these insights will be discussed in our first strategy call with you. This obsessive in-depth deep dive helps us with generating leads that actually lead to sales. 

20+ Qualified Leads/Month – Equating To Approximately 1 Lead Daily.

You can expect 1 qualified lead per day.


As mentioned above, because of our in-depth list-building process and ultra-personalized LinkedIn messages aimed at your ideal target audience, we often receive positive reply rates of 39%. 

Ultra Personalized LinkedIn Outreach Messages Based On Prospect Research

We have 2 personalization experts at Salesbread whose only job is to research each prospect on the list and write a specific message just for them. 

No automation tools are used in this step. 

We have found that handwritten personalized messages based on research, are what capture people’s attention on Linkedin. 

A/B Testing

We also run different A/B tests to see which list works the best with which message. This allows us to optimize your campaign ensuring success. 

At The End Of Our Partnership, We Hop On A “Graduation Call” With You

At the end of our partnership, we will show you exactly how we managed to generate new leads for your company…

From the list building to the copy copywriting. This will allow you to eventually take the entire process in-house if you wish.

We will also hand over all the data that was curated during our LinkedIn outreach strategy.  

Our Experiences, Sales Process And Framework

Salesbread has over a decade of lead generation experience.

Within the past 24 months we have managed to generate close to 7000 qualified sales leads for our clients with our outreach efforts. 

And our clients know that they can expect 1 qualified sales lead per day, and this in turn helps them reach their lead generation goals.

Here Is Our Step-By-Step LinkedIn Lead Gen Strategy

Step 1: Create A Target Account List Based On Data

As mentioned above the best way to generate B2B sales is by targeting the right prospects…

This is why when we begin with list building, we build look-alike lists of prospects based on your current buyers.

Side note:

We spend thousands of dollars each month on lead generation software that helps us find only the freshest data. These tools help us find your dream clients.

Some include:

We target companies that:

  • Need what you’re selling
  • Who have the budget
  • Who people who have the buying power

Broad lists that aren’t refined increase the chance of campaign failure, and sadly many LinkedIn outreach services do this; they create broad lists that might bring in some leads, but how many of these prospects actually end up buying?

If a list is too broad you end up reaching out to the wrong kinds of prospects. 

This Is Why We Obsess About List Building At Salesbread. 

Here are some questions we might ask to find patterns between your buyers:

  • Which industries do your ideal buyers belong to? (Healthcare? Wellness? SaaS?)
  • Within healthcare, which divisions are buying? (Hospitals? Clinics? Psychiatric facilities?)
  • Company size: 100 hospital beds? 500+ employees? Fewer than 10?
  • Who is on payroll: Marketing managers? HR? Accountants?
  • Have these companies recently secured funding?
  • Geographical location: USA? Asia? 500 miles from Cape Town, South Africa?
  • Who are the decision-makers?

These lists undergo refinement and client review, typically taking a week to finalize.

Step 2: Build A List Of People To Target At Each Account

Next, we will plug our list of target accounts into LinkedIn Sales Navigator and find the right people to reach out to at these companies.

Just a caveat here, Sales Navigator data can be inaccurate. In fact, after analyzing a group of prospects only 33% were accurate.

This is why we always triple-check the data to make sure that our prospect lists are 100% accurate.

It’s really important to scrub the data that you get from Sales Nav. Otherwise, you’re probably going to be getting a lot of bad fits during your outreach.

The video below goes into more detail:

Step 3: Drafting An Initial LinkedIn Outreach Message

We’ll prepare a series of messages for our client’s review. Our messages are pretty straightforward and have clear CTA’s that make it easy for prospects to respond to. 

Step 4: Approval From Your Team

Once our customer approves the first draft, Jack will return to you after 24 hours with a team-approved message draft. 

You will then check that the messaging aligns with your brand. Once approved, we will be ready to start sending personalized connection requests to your prospects. 

Side Note On Our Personalization

We touched on personalization above, and with every single message, we research each prospect to make sure that we add a hook to the message that will capture their attention.

We obsess about crafting clear personalized messages that stand out.

There are no copy/paste templates when working with Salesbread. 

In today’s landscape, achieving reply rates between 20-55% relies very much on personalized messaging.

We believe in high-quality, low-volume outreach, and our messages go beyond dropping the prospect’s name or company name in the message.

In order to achieve this we actually check out each prospect’s LinkedIn profile and use our CCQ method to write thoughtful, non-salesy messages that capture their attention. 

Bonus: Here’s our CCQ Method explained:

Step 5: Follow up consistently and ask for a booked meeting

Next, we will follow up with the prospects in real time once they reply to our messages. We follow up every 3 days and in our messages, we have a clear CTA that asks for a booked call. 

The call to action is as simple as saying:

  • Are you available for a quick 5-minute chat next week?
  • Send me your calendar link and I will book a slot
  • Would love to talk to you about this sometime, when are you available?
  • How about a quick chat {time, date}?

Additional lead generation strategy articles

You can read new articles like these on our “articles page” or check out our Cold Email outreach podcast

Founder Background

I started SalesBread more than a decade ago to help B2B companies get 1 lead per day, even if they’ve had a hard time getting cold prospects to engage with them in the past.

How do we do this? 

We send ultra-personalized messages on LinkedIn that people engage with. 

In a nutshell, we build “lead funnels” (using LinkedIn and Email) that get your ideal customers excited about your offer — even if you don’t have a large sales team or extra time to spend on prospecting. 

Our lead generation campaigns have fueled the growth of ProdPad, Cleargov, ChatLingual, eKomi, OneUp, Recurly, and 

I’ve also done marketing for ClearLink, theCHIVE,, UnderArmour, HomeAway, The Honest Company, UKSoccerShop, TicketCity, and 

Find my articles on,,,,, and, of course, here. 

When I’m not working on outbound sales, I’m probably cooking something spicy or playing backgammon with my wife.

Return on Investment on our b2b lead generation service

Here’s why we think many companies will benefit from partnering up with Salesbread as their LinkedIn outreach agency

You can expect 1 high-quality lead per day

You get quality leads, not vanity metrics: Our clients judge success by the actual quality of their leads and engagement. Not just thousands of random leads in your pipeline. 

Here are some replies we have received from prospects:

Less expensive than an in-house team

Our service essentially replaces the need for a trained Outbound Sales Rep at your company — You can expect pricing for less than half the cost of a full-time salary. (3k/month.)

Faster ramp-up:

Because you’re partnering up with a LinkedIn outreach agency that has over a decade of experience in cold outreach, you can expect high-quality leads within the first 48 hours after the campaign launch.

No locked-in contracts and complete transparency

At Salesbread we don’t believe in locking clients into contracts. It’s our results that get our clients to stay.

We believe in creating lasting relationships with our clients based on transparency and respect. 

More flexibility

As a busy founder or account manager, you might not have the time or experience to build in-depth prospecting lists or research each prospect on your list for personalization. If you partner up with Salesbread, we will take care of everything for you. All you have to do is show up to the booked sales calls. 

Frequently asked questions

1. How many leads can I expect?

1 lead per day

2. What do you need from us to do a great job?

A list of clients who are currently buying your product or service (at least the past 6 months.) This allows us to build targeted lists of your ideal prospects.

3. Outline of what makes a successful engagement for you, so we can determine how likely it is we will become a star client.

You need to be selling a B2B product or service to an audience that is somewhat active on Linkedin. Most of your prospects should have an updated profile on Linkedin.

If not, we are probably not a great fit, because many of our prospects use LinkedIn.

4. What is the monthly investment and what does the ramp-up time look like? 

Unlike inbound and content marketing, our campaigns produce results fast. You can expect your first lead within 48 hours of launching the camping.

Even within month one, we will still be hitting the 1 lead a day benchmark that we set for ourselves.

Our service essentially replaces the need for a trained Outbound Sales Rep at your company — for less than half the cost of a full-time salary. 2-3k/mo

5. Can you generate leads in my niche?

  • Do most of your prospects have an updated LinkedIn profile?
  • Are there more than 200 companies worth targeting?
  • Are you selling a 4 figure product or service? (Lifetime Value?)

If you answered “yes” to those questions, we can help.

6. What channels do you use?

We use:

  • Linkedin
  • Cold email outreach
  • SMS

7. Do you sell booked appointments?

No, we are not an appointment-setting service. So if you are looking for someone who just fills your calendar and you don’t have to respond to any leads, we are not for you.

8. Why did clients prefer you over other agencies they interviewed?

If you are looking for a company that would do lead generation with the same passion and fervour that you would have, we are the go-to agency. 

Our processes are very different from other lead gen companies out there. 

  • We build ultra-targeted lists
  • We obsess about personalization
  • We only onboard a few clients at a time, in fact, there is usually a waiting list
  • You will work along with the founder of Salesbread, meaning that your campaign won’t be shrugged off to an SDR who might not have the experience.
  • Our agency will bring you 1 lead or booked meeting per day

9. Can I see testimonials?

Sure. Go to my LinkedIn page, my home page, or my testimonials page for more.

10. When can I start?

We normally run with a 3-5 week wait list. So if you’re looking to get this launched yesterday, well, we’re not a great fit.

11. What do you consider as ‘qualified leads’?

A person that matches your perfect targeting criteria and has expressed interest in either:

1. Meeting with you (setting a date or asking to meet at a later time)


  • “Sure. I’m free Thursday at 2 p.m.”
  • Give me a call. 888-888-8888
  • I’m slammed this week. Can we talk sometime after the 15th?


2. Finding out more about your company, product, or service.


  • Your timing is good. We’re actually looking for XYZ this quarter. Can you send pricing details?
  • Have you worked with X industry before?
  • I’m interested in how your product does X. Can you share some details?
  • Sure. Email my assistant at some details, and we’ll get something set up.

Want 1 Qualified Lead Per Day? Book Your Free Consultation Below