How to Master The Art of LinkedIn Prospecting

By: Jack Reamer |
 April 7, 2022 |

If you have a look at the graph above you can see how there has been a significant increase in Google searches for “Linkedin lead generation” over the years, and with good reason.

This social media platform has become a fast-growing favorite amongst modern sales teams.


Because if used correctly, you can generate qualified leads pretty quickly. 

So if you aren’t seeing the results you would like from Linkedin, or if you are looking for different avenues of outreach, (besides cold calling and cold email) then this is the article that you have been waiting for. 

We will discuss how the founder of Salesbread, Jack Reamer, started out with Linkedin prospecting, the tests that our team tried out in order to get to the strategy that we have now (which guarantees 1 lead per day or more) and how you can implement these methods in your own outreach strategy for more b2b sales

(If you’re interested in learning more about how Salesbread can help your business generate 1 lead per day, feel free to contact us here or schedule a free 15-minute consultation here.)

How Salesbread Started out with Linkedin Lead Gen

Salebread initially started out in 2014 as a cold email outreach service, but fast forward, we decided to add Linkedin outreach as an additional step to our campaigns.

We would do something as simple as sending the prospects a Linkedin invite and then in the cold email campaign, we would mention that we sent them an invite.

Our email would go something like this: “Hey, we just sent you a Linkedin invite. Would love to know your opinion on XYZ.” And then we would just jump into the cold email.

We figured that having that extra touchpoint via Linkedin would help our outreach, and it did. 

And then we started to incorporate more Linkedin touches; specifically sending out Linkedin connection requests and then the Linkedin follow-up step.

Yes, initially this was a lot more work than cold email because there was no automation. You literally had to do it manually BUT because of this, we actually figured out that the channel was performing really well.

So we incorporated both touches (the connector and the follow-up messages) and eventually,, we looked at our campaigns and saw that Linkedin was bringing in a whopping 80% of the results for our clients. 

We had a couple of hunches as to why this was working.  But Linkedin worked really well for our low volume, ultra-personalized approach. 


Because with Linkedin you can’t really automate your outreach, and even if you do use automation, you get severely restricted by the volume that you can get away with. 

So Linkedin fit in really nicely with our skillset of personalization and low volume. This was what we were already doing with our cold email campaigns.

And this was basically how we started out.

So if you’re interested in trying out Linkedin as a sales team or as a founder, it’s usually about testing the waters to see what works and what doesn’t. 

But what we have seen time and time again, is that low volume, personalization, and super-targeted lists work on the platform.

How we developed our Linkedin outreach strategy

As we mentioned earlier, much of our outreach started off relatively simple.

We knew that low-volume email and personalization worked, so we incorporated that into our outreach; but what really helped Salesbread with the strategy that we have today, was that we were able to interview Nathanial Bibby on our podcast.

And since we interviewed him on the show, he shared much of his knowledge with us. We actually asked him outright what he says in his Linkedin messages, and he was kind enough to share his strategy with us as well as templates that he uses during his outreach.

Because Nathanial Bibby opened the door, we were able to take his advice and strategies and then combine them with what we knew about cold email outreach.

If you can get people to reply via cold email, then you will definitely be able to get replies via Linkedin

(Keep reading because we will discuss tips from Nathanial Bibby further down and how you can apply them in your own Linkedin prospecting.)


Because the same principles apply to cold calling, cold emailing, and Linkedin outreach.

And cold email is actually harder to get replies from than with Linkedin

You need to follow the weapons of influence. 

And this was where Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence. The Psychology of Persuasion” came into play. 

Robbert Cialdini is an American psychologist who wrote a book about 7 principles of influence. 

This is a great read for all founders and sales teams because in it he shares his secrets to getting more sales by building credibility and sustaining trusted relationships. 

We use the following principles in our own outreach.

If you aren’t yet familiar with the principles of influence, you can read about them below, or just skip down to the tips from Nathanial Bibby on Linkedin prospecting

The 7 Principles of Influence that all founders and sales teams should know

If you want your Linkedin outreach to be successful, you need “weapons of influence” and this is what we learned from Robert Cialdini, which we apply in our outreach.

Reciprocity: People don’t like to feel indebted

It’s important to give something, to get something in return. So if you are a marketer, and you offer something for free to a prospect, they feel impelled to return the favor. 

 Whether you’re offering a free ebook, course, or seminar, prospects feel obligated to complete the purchase because you offered them something as a gift. 

Commitment: People like consistency

Top marketers know that if they can get a target audience to commit, to let’s say, your email list, for example, then it increases the likelihood that they will become a committed customer.

By sending them regular emails, or even a sneaky ad, or clever Linkedin message, you might be able to eventually win them over because of your consistency and their commitment.  

Social proof: People do what others a doing

Have you ever walked past a restaurant and it was packed? You probably thought to yourself, “Wow the food must be great.” And this is an example of social proof. 

So for example, if you have a great Linkedin page or website with tons of testimonials, this makes people think that your services must be good because you helped so many companies similar to theirs. And because of this, they reach out to you.

Here is an example of social proof that we use on our home page:

Authority: People trust those with authority

People who are in a position of authority are usually trusted by the masses. Why? Because when someone has a higher status, greater wealth, or position in a company, they naturally view these people as leaders.

If consumers trust a brand, they are more likely to convert. 

Liking: People prefer those that they have similarities with

This is a very important factor for outreach. Your prospects are more likely to convert if you take the time to get to know them and engage with them. New leads will most probably want to get on a call with you if they like you. 

Compare this to someone who just throws in an immediate sales pitch, without having addressed the customer’s pain points. 

You would rather engage with someone that you like, instead of someone who is just after your money.

So consider this, when writing your copy for outreach. Try to start conversations first before going in for the sale.

Scarcity: Less quantity = more demand

This is basically what you see in some “sales emails” – “Hurry only 2 more left.
Or “Offer ends at midnight.” 

When there is less quantity of a product there is usually a higher demand for it. 

Unity: Humans are social creatures

As humans, we want to be part of a group, a community, or a family.

When it comes to strengthening your brand’s name, try to engage with your prospects on a more personal level.

If you make them feel like friends or family, the chances of them converting will be higher. 

This is why when it comes to our Linkedin outreach, all we try to do is start conversations.

We try to start up “friendships” and connections; by using personalization and showing an interest. Because of this, we are able to get 50% or higher response rates.  

By applying these principles to outreach, your Linkedin lead generation campaigns will be a success with more leads in your sales pipeline. 

After all, Linkedin is all about building connections with people to improve your career success. 

So people already have business in mind, therefore when you reach out to them, whilst using the above principles, you are bound to find tons of new sales opportunities. 

How founders and sales teams can get started with Linkedin – The do’s and don’ts for success

As mentioned above, getting started on Linkedin isn’t too complicated.

With Salesbread, we basically applied what we learned from cold email to our Linkedin outreach and it got us great results. 

But as promised, here are some of the key takeaways from our podcast with Nathanial Bibby (If you don’t know who Nathanial Bibby is, do yourself a favor and Google him. He is basically the Godfather of Linkedin outreach) that you have to put into practice if you want killer sales leads that convert. 

(You can either listen to the cast or keep reading for the main points on how to become a success at Linkedin outreach.)

1. Linkedin outreach can work for anyone whose customers are in the b2b or b2c space – You just have to use it the right way

Remember that Linkedin was created for building connections.

In the past, cold callers would perhaps go through a telephone book and call the companies that they wanted to reach out to. But today, most b2b decision-makers are already on the platform. 

If you’re selling to fintech, saas, or even healthcare, then Linkedin is the place to find high-quality leads.


Because it is a platform for professionals. 

You just have to know how to use Linkedin the right way in order to generate new business.

2. The wrong way to use Linkedin – It’s not a place to pitch your sale

Social media is relatively a newish method when it comes to marketing.

It was created for people to enjoy socializing and engaging with others on the platform. So you need to treat it as a place for “social” interactions. 

Think of it this way; If you were invited to a cocktail party, you wouldn’t just walk in and start saying to everyone “ Hey there I am…Buy my product.” 

You wouldn’t get a favorable reaction at all from your audience. 

And it’s the same with social selling on Linkedin

If you reach out to people and just start selling in your outreach messages, they are going to ignore you.


Because people don’t want to engage with others who only talk about themselves. 

Most salespeople use Linkedin with the mindset of “what’s in it for me,” instead of “what’s in it for the other person. 

So what we suggest is to talk about the prospect 90% of the time and only 10% about yourself just for context. 

In your outreach messages discuss the prospect‘s pain points.

For example, maybe they don’t have enough time to do their own sales prospecting, and this can be frustrating for them. 

These busy founders might not have the time to build lists of their ideal prospects, and if you are offering a prospecting service, (or any other service) play on these feelings of frustration and lack of time. 

Share how you can help them find quality leads and how it can benefit them. 

But in order to discover pain points, it takes time and some getting to know the person or your perfect target audience

If you immediately send a message and tell them to buy your product, they aren’t going to listen to what you have to say because it comes across as if you only care about yourself and making money.

Look at the example below:

Would you reply to this message?

Most probably not because it’s spammy.

This is the reply that was sent in response to this message and what the prospect actually wanted to say: (Note: this example is from Top Dog Social Media)

And this is so true.

If you don’t personalize and just go in for the sale, you will lose the prospects on your list. 

Don’t do this. 

Remember: LinkedIn is for building connections. Spammy messages sent via automation tools are not going to get results. If you have done this or used a company in the past that does this, just stop. You’re wasting precious time and valuable money. 

3. Fix your Linkedin profile

Before you start with b2b lead generation on Linkedin, have a look at your profile.

When clients come to us, we send messages for them, through their own personal Linkedin profiles.

In some cases, we have had to tweak their profiles just slightly. 

And because of these slight changes, we managed to get great results. 


Because the first thing a prospect will do is check out your Linkedin profile.

If it looks unprofessional, or like a resume, they aren’t going to be interested in doing business with you. 

Think about it. Has anyone ever purchased something from you just because you handed them your CV? – The answer… No.

So why does your Linkedin profile look like a CV? Think of it as a sales page rather. 

We can’t stress this enough – Let prospects know through your page what problem you solve. You can’t sell to people unless they believe they have the problem that you solve.

You might know that they have a problem, but unless they believe that they have a problem and that you can fix it, you aren’t going to be able to sell to them. 


Say now you are a doctor and you help people who have colds.

How would you help them to see that they need your help? You could ask them if they have specific symptoms. And then show them the solution. 

In the same way, you could share specific pain points of prospects on your profile and how you can help. 

See the example of Nathanial Bibby’s Linkedin profile below:

As you can see he helps businesses gain a competitive edge through Linkedin lead generation. He helps companies stand out from the crowd and offers Linkedin services. 

He also shares awards that he has received over the years on his profile. This all adds to his social proof. 

So if you would like to do well with outreach on Linkedin, you have to make sure that your Linkedin profile is interesting and engaging.  

Have a look at Jack’s Linkedin profile:

It doesn’t read like a resume.

Instead, it’s entertaining and pulls you in as you keep reading. He shares pain points that sales teams might have encountered in the past like low reply rates, and shares how he can help. 

You need to think about what your target audience already has on their minds and start conversations about this. It’s important to resonate with your audience. 

Your profile photo is also really important. If it looks like everyone else’s, try to do something different. 

It should still look professional, but by doing something different, you will stand out from the crowd. 

(Read this article to find out more about Linkedin profiles and what they should look like.)

4. Know who you don’t want to sell to – Don’t come across as needy

A doctor doesn’t want to see healthy people because he won’t be able to help them. A doctor deals with those who are sick.

In the same way, you don’t want to work with just anyone.

You need to be picky about who you do business with because if you value yourself and your services, the right people will want to do business with you and value you too.

When you come across as needy and just reach out to anyone and everyone, prospects will pick up on this and wonder why you’re so desperate for business. 

5. Build a profitable network on Linkedin

It’s important to choose who you would like to connect with on Linkedin.

Don’t just connect with anybody.

Rather think about who it is that you would like to sell to and start building a LinkedIn network of your ideal prospects.

For example, if you would like to sell to lawyers in Florida, you can single out this group on Linkedin and begin connecting with them. 

Consistently grow your target audience in a specific niche.

If you accept just everyone and have like 20 000 connections eventually, you will just be spammed by recruiters. 

So think of who you would like to sell to and connect with this group. By doing so, you will build a network of your dream customers and get the results you long for. 

6. Target a smaller defined number of prospects

At Salesbread we believe in a low-volume high-quality lead generation process

What does this mean?

It basically means that we would rather send messages to a super targeted list of prospects, (even if it’s tiny) than thousands of messages to prospects who are a wrong fit. 

The reason for this – More conversions and quality leads.

If you’re selling dentistry equipment, there is no point in targeting everyone in healthcare. Yes, you might have a list of 20 000 prospects but how many of those companies are going to say yes to buying your equipment?

We believe in super-defined list building.

Below is a video of exactly how we refine our lists of prospects:

But basically, we ask our clients who have purchased from them within the past 6 months.

We then look for similarities and patterns between these buyers and this gives us an idea of who their ideal target market is. 

If you aren’t sure exactly who your target market is, this is a great starting point.

It can help you to narrow down your list and go after the right leads. Meaning, people who need what you’re selling. 

7. Reach out to your second-degree network first

Once you have a list of prospects, filter it through your second-degree network first and then send them connection requests


Because if, for example, your ideal customer is content writers, because you have a writing automation tool that you’re selling, the chances of them connecting with you will be higher. 

The reason? Commonality. 

They will see that you already have a whole network of content writers just like them.  And going back to the 7 principles of influence, people like feeling part of a community. 

Therefore the chances of them saying yes to your connection invite will be higher. 

8. Personalization is extremely important and don’t sell in a connection request

When you send your connection request, add a personalized message.

Don’t try to pitch your idea in a connection request either, unless you have an incredible value add, your profile is excellent and you’re really confident. 

An example, a great value add, would be asking if someone would like to be interviewed on your podcast. Most people would feel flattered by this request. 

But for the most part, first, connect with the prospect by using a personalized message, and then follow up with another message that applies the 90/10 rule (speak about yourself only 10% of the time for context, and 90% of the time about the prospect.)

Why is personalization important? It basically comes down to psychology. 

Prospects are not going to reply to you if they think that you have sent the same message to hundreds of people.

It comes across as spam. Prospects are so used to seeing automated sales messages that they ignore them.

But when you write something that’s just for them, it makes them stop out of curiosity and read your message. In order to write a personalized message, you have to do some research first.

Have a look at the prospect‘s profile and find something that you can compliment them on. You could even ask them a question, or say something like “ Hey, I see we both know XYZ, would love to connect with you here.”

It’s that simple.

This is basically how we connect with prospects and it works.

See our stats below:


Acceptance Rate


Positive Reply Rate

Qualified Leads Per Day

9. Try to stay away from automation tools 

Nathanial Bibby mentions that he stays away from automation tools.

Yes, some do have their place, but if you can, rather avoid them. 

The cost is slightly higher from a business perspective because you might need to pay an employee to reply to the messages in real-time, but it’s worth it. 

Prospects see you as a real person and not as a robot, and this can make all the difference to your metrics.

Especially if they are on the low side, reach out in real-time and see if it takes your outreach to the next level

Pro Tip: We also only suggest sending 20 -25 connection requests per day; some automation tools might send out too many at once and this could get your Linkedin account blocked or suspended for a short period of time. 

Also remember, the fewer invites you send out, the more time you have to ensure that your messages are of a high standard with personalization. 

10. Think about content marketing on Linkedin

If you are a small business or a start-up, you should be making ROI from day 1 by setting appointments.

If you have this working then you have to spend the other half of your time building your brand. 

This is a longer-term play, and if you are desperate for leads that your content has to bring in business, it isn’t going to work that well;

The reason is that with content marketing you need to be adding value consistently.

So if you’re posting content on Linkedin and you’re not getting much response, it’s going to be tempting to some hacks, like joining an engagement group.

But it’s really important to stick to your content marketing consistently. 

Think about it, your audience. Your building relationships with them, what’s going to be valuable to them. 

If the content you’re posting isn’t offering any value to your audience then you won’t get the engagement that you desire.

Content needs to offer value to your audience.  Because if it doesn’t, it’s not going to lead to sales. 

Avoid vanity metrics. You could have 30 000 followers on Linkedin and get 500 likes per post, but not be able to pay your rent. This is a trap that you really want to avoid. 

But compare this to having 30 000 followers who expect your content, like your content, and who you have offline business relationships with, you are the industry authority. 

This takes a while. In some cases years. But if you do this consistently, eventually you will out shadow the competition.

First of all, bigger brands will contact you. 

International brands will contact you and so will other people, but the great thing is that you can be quite selective with who you choose to work with. 

Need help with LinkedIn prospecting?

If you are spending tons of time on Linkedin and getting fewer appointments, then the platform is actually a waste of time for you. 

But if you apply:

  • Personalization
  • A/B testing
  • Not having sleazy sales pitches
  • Building relationships / making it all about the prospect
  • Targeted smaller lists
  • A great Linkedin profile
  • Content marketing

You should see results. 

These are the main tactics that we have used to become Linkedin outreach ninja’s and it really works.

We are seeing between 1 and 2 leads or more per day for our clients.

If you aren’t getting these results even after trying all the above, please get in touch with us. Salesbread is all about helping companies grow.

We want you to close deals and we can help you do this with quality leads.

And the real value add?

If we don’t get you 1 lead per day, we will give you your money back. 

That’s how confident we are with our skills, but also it guarantees that you don’t lose money. 

So what are you waiting for?

Book a free 15-minute strategy session below