Email Persuasion Series Part 4: Liking

Imagine that you’re picking out some ripe avocados at your grocery store. And just before you wheel your cart into the check-out line, a total stranger walks up to you and says, “Excuse me, but would you mind dropping me off at the airport next week? I...

Show Don’t Tell

See what the clever folks at Apple did with this billboard? They used it to show, not tell. Sure, they could have used the ad to tell you, “More photos taken with iPhone than any other camera.” Or “8MP iSight camera with newFocus Pixels...

Are you “wowing” your customers?

What does it take to “WOW” a customer? What exactly do you need to do to get your customers to RAVE about your business to their friends?? And how much extra time and money do you need to put in to get that mega-valuable word-of-mouth that brings you...